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Dr D.H. (Djoeke) van Netten

Early Modern History
Faculty of Humanities
Photographer: Greetje van der Werf

Visiting address
  • Kloveniersburgwal 48
  • Room number: C 0.04
Postal address
  • Postbus 1610
    1000 BP Amsterdam
  • Profile


    • Associate Professor (UHD) Early Modern History


    Research Interests

    • Early Modern History with a Focus on the Dutch Republic and its Worldwide Connections
    • The Production, Dissemination and Reception of Books and Maps
    • Secrecy and Openness
    • Uncertainty
    • The Production and Dissemination of Knowledge
    • Dutch Overseas Companies (early companies, VOC and WIC)
    • Maritime History, Maritime Knowledge
    • Animal History, Human-Animal Encounters
    • (Early Modern) Cartography of Oceans, Coastlines and Ice
    • Gender at Sea
    • Early Modern Travel and Travel Journals
    • "The Dutch Golden Age" (with quotation marks)
    • Jacob van Heemskerck



    Education, previous positions, fellowships, other great things

    • Coordinator Research Group Early Modern Mobilities (since 2019)
    • Museum guide, National Maritime Museum Amsterdam (since 2011)
    • Board Maatschappij der Nederlandse Letteren (since 2019)
    • Editor Special Issue Journal for the History of Knowledge (2024)
    • Guest Editor-in-Chief Yearbook for Women's History (2022)
    • Board Vlaams-Nederlandse Vereniging voor Nieuwe Geschiedenis (since 2021)
    • Editorial Board Tijdschrift voor Zeegeschiedenis (since 2016)
    • Colloquium-grant, Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome (2022)
    • Vice-director Amsterdam School of Historical Studies (2021)
    • Chairperson Organization Scientiae Conference (Amsterdam virtual 2020)
    • Guest Curator National Maritime Museum, Amsterdam (2017)
    • NWO (Dutch Organization of Scientific Research) Veni Research Fellow (2015-2019)
    • Editorial Board Yearbook for Dutch Book History (2012-2019)
    • Visiting Lecturer (Erasmus+ programme), University of Reading (October 2014)
    • PhD ICOG/History, University of Groningen (2012)
    • Dr Ernst Crone Research Fellow, National Maritime Museum Amsterdam (2010-2011)
    • Lecturer History, University of Amsterdam (2009-2012)
    • Lecturer History / International Relations, University of Groningen (2008-2009)
    • MA (doctoraal) History, University of Groningen (cum laude) (2004)
    • Research Fellow Royal Dutch Institute in Rome (2003)
  • Teaching

    Courses 2024/2025

    * BA Geschiedenis: Wereldgeschiedenis (World History)

    * BA Global Arts, Culture, Politics: World Views

    * MA Militaire Geschiedenis. De Verbeelding van Oorlog (Military History. The Imagination of War)


    I am available for thesis supervision and tutorials regarding the Early Modern history of science/knowledge, secrecy, "Dutch Golden Age", travel, cartography, maritime history, book history, animal history.

    Do not hesitate to email me and discuss plans and ideas.


  • Publications


    • van Netten, D. (2022). Mapping travel knowledge: The use of maps on the first Dutch voyages to Asia. In A. L. Brock, G. van Meersbergen, & E. Smith (Eds.), Trading Companies and Travel Knowledge in the Early Modern World (pp. 23-42). (Hakluyt Society Studies in the History of Travel). Routledge. [details]




    • Krom, T., & van Netten, D. (2016). Geheymenissen en secreten: Denkbeelden over geheimhouding in Nederlandse pamfletten uit 1672. Jaarboek voor Nederlandse Boekgeschiedenis, 23, 192-207. [details]


    • van Netten, D. (2015). Propaganda, public and pamphlets in the Dutch Golden Age - What else is new? Jaarboek voor Nederlandse Boekgeschiedenis, 22, 208-221, 232-233. [details]



    • van Netten, D., & de Bruycker, A. (2008). 'Zodat mijn verbanning tegelijk jouw straf is.' Bloei, verval en migratie van wetenschap in de Republiek en de Spaanse Nederlanden. Bijdragen en Mededelingen betreffende de Geschiedenis der Nederlanden, 123(1), 3-30.


    • van Netten, D., Buchheim, E., Carmichael, S., van den Elzen, S., Hoegen, E., Kamphuis, K., Reichgelt, M., Schulte Nordholt, L., Shahid, S., Wyffels, H., & van der Zande, I. (Eds.) (2022). Gender at sea. (Yearbook of Women's History/Jaarboek voor Vrouwengeschiedenis; No. 41). Verloren. [details]


    • van Netten, D. H. (2016). 'Nicolaus Mulerius’, ‘Petrejus Tiara’ and ‘Menelaus Winsemius'. In Nieuwe Encyclopedie van Fryslân Gorredijk: Uitgeverij Bornmeer.






    • van Netten, D. (2023). Beren en vossen in de vroegmoderne boekdrukkunst. In T. Dijkstra, R. Jagersma, & L. Kuitert (Eds.), Onder druk wordt alles chaos: Boekgeschiedenissen tussen orde en wanorde (pp. 68-75). Uitgeverij Armorica. [details]


    • Vannieuwenhuyze, B., van der Vaart, L., van Netten, D., Rygl, S., Casteels, I., & Korver, I. (2019). Tussen Zuidzee en Noordzee: Twee hypothesen over een wandkaart van Nicholas de Fer uit 1713. De Boekenwereld, 35(2), 8-15. [details]




    Prize / grant

    • van Netten, D. (2017). ASH Valorisation Award.

    Talk / presentation

    • van Netten, D. (speaker) & Vannieuwenhuyze, B. (speaker) (28-10-2023). Wereldkaarten en wereldbeeld, Nacht van de Geschiedenis, Amsterdam.
    • van Netten, D. (invited speaker) (15-6-2021). Issues of (Dutch) pilot guides 1584-ca.1700, RUTTER-project, Lisbon.
    • van Netten, D. (keynote speaker) (29-4-2021). The landscape and the ship. Mapping a seventeenth-century naval battle, Maps and society series, London.
    • van Netten, D. (speaker) (20-4-2021). Speaking about maps. Text and images in atlases and pilot guides, RSA Virtual 2021.
    • van Netten, D. (speaker) (15-1-2021). Sea-mirrors. How early english pilot guides show what maps were and how they were used, Maps and mapping, Paris.
    • van Netten, D. (invited speaker) (6-11-2020). The order between land and sea and the use of colours, Maps and colours, Hamburg.
    • van Netten, D. (invited speaker) (4-3-2020). Magic Maps. Blaeu's disenchanting cartography and some reenchantment, Farewell Conference Klaas van Berkel, Groningen.
    • van Netten, D. (speaker) (14-12-2019). Land and/or sea in text and image, Lines on a map, London.
    • van Netten, D. (speaker) (6-9-2019). BorderLInes. Straddling land and sea in early modern atlases, Rethinking power in maritime encounters, Leiden.
    • van Netten, D. (keynote speaker) (14-7-2019). Reading maps in golden age Amsterdam and beyond, The International Conference on the History of Cartography, Amsterdam.
    • van Netten, D. (speaker) (4-6-2019). Knowledge communication and secrecy on Dutch East India ships, Scientiae 2019, Belfast, Belfast.
    • van Netten, D. (speaker) (10-4-2019). "Secrets" and secrecy in the Dutch East India Company, Secrecy and openness in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, New York.
    • van Netten, D. (invited speaker) (21-3-2019). Secrecy and privacy in the Dutch context. With a case study of ships, PRIVACY-project , Copenhagen.
    • van Netten, D. (speaker) (8-3-2019). Geheimen van de VOC, Geschiedenis Magazine LIVE-dag, Utrecht.
    • van Netten, D. (invited speaker) (7-12-2018). How to present a sea-battle. Newsprints and nachleben of the Battle at Gibraltar (1607), The battlefield after the battle, Lille.
    • van Netten, D. (speaker) (16-11-2018). Old maps on old maps. Early modern history of cartography, Making of the Humanities VII, Amsterdam.
    • van Netten, D. (speaker) (27-9-2018). To publish or not to publish, Isaac Beeckman in Context: Science, the Arts, and Culture in the Early Dutch Republic, Middelburg.
    • van Netten, D. (speaker) (19-7-2018). Maps and Navigation. On the Use of Maps during the Early Dutch Voyages to the East, ICHG 2018 Warsaw, warsaw.
    • van Netten, D. (speaker) (23-6-2018). The Company resorts to Print. The secret and the public in a pamphlet war regarding the Dutch East India Company (1622-1625), 11th St Andrews Book Conference 'Print and Power, St Andrews.
    • van Netten, D. (speaker) (1-6-2018). Secrets in the Dutch Golden Age and Where to Find Them, Low Countries History Seminar, London, Institute of Historical Research.
    • van Netten, D. (speaker) (1-3-2018). Lost on the map, Forgetting Knowledge, Berlin.
    • van Netten, D. (speaker) (24-11-2017). Secret instructions, secret resolutions, secret committees, and other not so secret secrecy in the VOC-archive, Symposium Rethinking the VOC.
    • van Netten, D. (speaker) (12-9-2017). Maps on ships and ships on maps, Hakluyt Society Symposium.
    • van Netten, D. (speaker) (26-8-2017). Schrijven over geheimen. De paradox van weten en niet weten, Congres Werkgroep Zeventiende Eeuw 2017: Geheime Praktijken.
    • van Netten, D. (speaker) (24-6-2017). Maps in the museum. A 21st century analysis of 20th century acquisition of 17th century geographical knowledge, Zevende Tweejaarlijke Gewina-conferentie (Woudschoten VII), Zeist.
    • van Netten, D. (speaker) (6-2017). Blaeu's wereld in kaart, Vrije Academie.
    • van Netten, D. (speaker) (21-4-2017). Treasures, lights and mirrors. How to use an early modern pilot guide?, Scientiae 2017, Padua.
    • van Netten, D. (speaker) (31-3-2017). Counterfeiting the World. Truth and secrecy surrounding the first Dutch travels to the East, Renaissance Society of America, Chicago.
    • van Netten, D. (speaker) (8-9-2016). A certain navigation to China and Cathay, Entangled Cultural Histories. Encounters between China 1600-1900, Shanghai.
    • van Netten, D. (speaker) (7-7-2016). Knowledge Control in the Dutch East India Company, Scientiae 2016, Oxford, Oxford.
    • van Netten, D. (speaker) (8-4-2016). Collecting and guarding information just before and after the establishment of the Dutch East India Company (1602), Treasuries of Knowledge, Cambridge.



    • Foncke, M. E. (2021). Water's worth: Urban society and subsidiarity in seventeenth-century Holland. [Thesis, externally prepared, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]


    • van Netten, D. H. (2012). Koopman in kennis. De uitgever Willem Jansz Blaeu (1571-1638) in de geleerde wereld van zijn tijd.
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  • Ancillary activities
    • Maatschappij der Nederlandse Letterkunde
      Bestuurslid, jury fellowship
    • VNVNG