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Prof. dr. D. (Daniëlle) Slootjes

Ancient History
Faculty of Humanities

Visiting address
  • Kloveniersburgwal 48
  • Room number: D0.06
Postal address
  • Postbus 1610
    1000 BP Amsterdam
  • Profile

    Daniëlle Slootjes holds the Chair of Ancient History at the Department of History, European Studies and Religious Studies, at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Amsterdam (UvA).

    Originally trained in Classics at the University of Groningen, she moved to the United States where she obtained an MA and a PhD in Ancient History at the University of Chapel Hill in North Carolina (UNC). She has published extensively on late antique Roman administration (in particular on provinces and dioceses), ancient geography, the history of early Christianity and crowd behavior throughout antiquity (with a particular focus on Rome and Constantinople).

    Slootjes’ research is characterised by a multidisciplinary vision that is consciously discarding traditional boundaries between disciplines. Her work on the Roman Empire’s administrative structures and geography has demonstrated how closely intertwined the late Roman and early medieval periods were. Her most recent research, into the universal phenomenon of collective behaviour in Greek, Roman and Byzantine cities, is ideally suited to a multidisciplinary approach. Slootjes is constantly on the lookout for connections between the traditional disciplines (philology, ancient history and archaeology) and the more modern concepts and methods from, for example, sociology, social psychology and social geography.

    Intertwining of the Mediterranean area in antiquity
    As a professor at the UvA, Slootjes focuses in particular on the connections between various chronological periods and geographical areas of the ancient Mediterranean area. Antiquity is often presented in a diachronic fashion with the help of the classical chronological categorisations of the Greek, Hellenistic and Roman worlds. Slootjes argues for a more integrated and synchronous approach, emphasising the interweaving of the classical world with the Ancient Near East, Egypt and the later Byzantine Empire. This integrated approach also allows for the history of the ancient Mediterranean area to be placed in a broader trans-regional perspective and related to the history of the Middle and Far East.

    Slootjes' research is embedded in the Amsterdam School for Historical Studies (ASH, and the Amsterdam Centre for Urban History (AHUC,, and the Amsterdam Centre for Ancient Studies and Archaeology (ACASA,

  • Publications


    • Slootjes, D. (2024). Imperial residences and traveling emperors, or, who is left behind? In N. Lenski, R. Rees, & O. van Nijf (Eds.), From East to West in Late Antiquity. Studies in Honor of Jan Willem Drijvers (pp. 243-251). Edipuglia.
    • Slootjes, D. (2024). SELF-GOVERNANCE ACROSS TIME - Review of (D.) Krüger, (C.) Mohamad-Klotzbach, (R.) Pfeilschifter (edd.) Local Self-Governance in Antiquity and in the Global South. Theoretical and Empirical Insights from an Interdisciplinary Perspective. Classical Review.
    • Slootjes, D. (2024). [Review of: S. Forichon (2020) Les spectateurs des jeux du cirque à Rome (du Ier siècle a.C. au VIe siècle p.C.) : Passion, émotions et manifestations]. Gnomon : kritische Zeitschrift für die gesamte klassische Altertumswissenschaft, 96(5), 458-460. [details]
    • Slootjes, D., Schulp, A., Jagt, J., Mulder , E., & Bardet, N. (2024). A nomenclatural note on Mosasaurus hoffmanni (Squamata, Mosasauroidea). Netherlands Journal of Geosciences, 103.


    • Slootjes, D. (2023). Administering Late Roman Italy: Geographical changes and the appearance of governors. In J. W. P. Wijnendaele (Ed.), Late Roman Italy: Imperium to Regnum (pp. 111-129). Edinburgh University Press. [details]
    • Slootjes, D. (2023). Dynamics of power: the Nestorian controversy, the Council of Ephesus of 431, and the Eastern imperial court. In C. Davenport, & M. McEvoy (Eds.), The Roman Imperial Court in the Principate and Late Antiquity (pp. 240-261). Oxford University Press.
    • Slootjes, D. (2023). Image and Reality: The Public and Persuasive Power of the Empress Theodora. In L. Dirven, M. Icks, & S. Remijsen (Eds.), The Public Lives of Ancient Women (500 BCE-650 CE) (pp. 88-106). (Mnemosyne Supplements: History and archaeology of classical antiquity; Vol. 468). Brill. [details]
    • Slootjes, D. (2023). Review of volume by Katell Berthelot (ed.), Reconsidering Roman Power: Roman, Greek, Jewish and Christian Perceptions and Reactions (Rome, 2020). Latomus, 82(3), 397.


    • Slootjes, D. (2021). Christian Martyrdom in Historical Perspective: On the Origins of the Story of Saint Catherine of Alexandria. In S. de Blaauw, E. M. Moormann, & D. Slootjes (Eds.), The Recruiting Power of Christianity: The Rise of Religion in the Material Culture of Fourth-Century Rome and its Echo in History (pp. 133-144). (Papers of the Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome; Vol. 68). Edizioni Quasar. [details]
    • Slootjes, D. (2021). Managing the empire while securing the throne: Theodosius I and the administrative structures of his empire. In M. P. Ruiz Garcia, & A. Quiroga Puertas (Eds.), Emperors and Emperorship in Late Antiquity. Images and Narratives (Vol. 40, pp. 218-233). Brill.
    • Slootjes, D. (2021). Response to Part 5: Reflections on Class in Late Antiquity. In G. A. Keddie , M. Flexsenhar III, & S. J. Friesen (Eds.), The Struggle over Class : Socioeconomic Analysis of Ancient Christian Texts (pp. 419-434). (Writings from the Greco-Roman world supplement series; Vol. 19). SBL Press. [details]
    • Slootjes, D. (2021). [Review of: P. Riedlberger (2020) Prolegomena zu den spätantiken Konstitutionen : Nebst einer Analyse der erbrechtlichen und verwandten Sanktionen gegen Heterodoxe]. Roman Legal Tradition, 17, 113-118. [details]
    • de Blaauw, S., Moormann, E. M., & Slootjes, D. (Eds.) (2021). The Recruiting Power of Christianity: The Rise of Religion in the Material Culture of Fourth-Century Rome and its Echo in History. (Papers of the Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome ; Vol. 68). Edizioni Quasar. [details]


    • Slootjes, D. (2020). Augustus and the voice of the people in the Res Gestae. The Classical World, 113, 279-298.
    • Slootjes, D. (2020). Governing the empire: the effects of the Diocletianic and Constantinian provincial reforms under the sons of Constantine. In N. Brian-Baker, & S. Tougher (Eds.), The Sons of Constantine, AD 337-361. In the Shadows of Constantine and Julian (pp. 255-274). Palgrave Macmillan.
    • Slootjes, D. (2020). Review of the book by Michael Zerjadtke, Das Amt ‘Dux’ in Spätantike und frühem Mittelalter: Der ‘Ducatus’ im Spannungsfeld zwischen römischem Einfluss und eigener Entwicklung (Berlin – Boston, De Gruyter, 2019). Plekos - Elektronische Zeitschrift für Rezensionen und Berichte zur Erforschung der Spätantike, 22, 297-299.
    • Slootjes, D., & Manders, E. (2020). Leadership, Ideology and Crowds in the Roman Empire of the Fourth Century AD. Steiner.


    • Slootjes, D., & Kaal, H. (2019). Repertoires of Representations: New Perspectives on Power and Political Representation from Ancient History to the Present Day. Brill.
    • Slootjes, D., & Verhoeven, M. (2019). Byzantium in Dialogue with the Mediterranean. History and Heritage. (The Medieval Mediterranean; Vol. 116). Brill.
    • Slootjes, N. (2019). The impact of geographical and administrative boundaries on late antique bishops. In C. Svetcovic, & P. Gemeinhardt (Eds.), Episcopal Networks in Late Antiquity: Connection and Communication across Boundaries (pp. 295-312). De Gruyter.


    • Slootjes, D. (2018). Book review of R. Evans, Mass and Elite in the Greek and Roman Worlds. From Sparta to Late Antiquity (New York, 2017). Bryn Mawr Classical Review.


    • Slootjes, D. (2017). Book review of E. Edelmann-Singer, Koina und Concilia : Genese, Organisation und sozioökonomische Funktion der Provinziallandtage im römischen Reich (Stuttgart, 2015). Journal of Roman Studies, 107, 375-376.
    • Slootjes, D. (2017). Book review of J.E. Salisbury, Rome’s Christian Empress. Galla Placidia rules at the Twilight of the Empire (Baltimore, 2015). Journal of Early Christian Studies, 25, 649-650.
    • Slootjes, D. (2017). book review of P. Kritzinger, Ursprung und Ausgestaltung bischöflicher Repräsentation (Stuttgart, 2016). Sehepunkte, 17.


    • Slootjes, D., & Peachin, M. (2016). Rome and the Worlds Beyond its Frontiers. (Impact of Empire; Vol. 21). Brill.


    • Slootjes, D. (2015). Crowd behavior in Late Antique Rome. In M. Saghy, M. Salzman, & R. Lizzi Testa (Eds.), Pagans and Christians in Late Antique Rome: Conflict, Competition and Coexistence in the Fourth Century (pp. 178-194). Cambridge University Press.
    • Slootjes, D. (2015). On the location and importance of ancestral references in the titulature of imperial co-rulers (1st – 3rd centuries A.D.). Ancient Society, 45, 267-284.
    • Slootjes, D., & Manders, E. (2015). Linking inscriptions to imperial coins: a re-appraisal of Nero’s visit to Greece. Latomus, 74, 989-1005 .
    • Slootjes, D., Dijkstra, R., & van Poppel, S. (Eds.) (2015). End of Unity. East and West in the Fourth Century. (Radboud Studies in Humanities; Vol. 5). Brill.


    • Slootjes, D., Hekster, O., & Manders, E. (2014). Making history with coins: Nero from a numismatic perspective. Journal of Interdisciplinary History, 45, 25-37.
    • Slootjes, N. (2014). Late antique administrative structures: on the meaning of dioceses and their borders in the fourth century AD. In L. Brice, & D. Slootjes (Eds.), Aspects of Ancient Institutions and Geography: Studies in Honor of Richard J.A. Talbert (pp. 177-195). Brill.


    • Slootjes, D. (2011). Bishops and their position of power in the late third century CE: the cases of Gregory Thaumaturgus and Paul of Samosata. Journal of Late Antiquity, 4, 100-115.
    • Slootjes, D. (2011). Local elites and power in the roman world: modern theories and models. Journal of Interdisciplinary History, 42, 235-249.



    Membership / relevant position

    • Slootjes, D. (2022-2026). Academische adviesraad Kleos, Amsterdam Bulletin for Ancient Studies and Archaeology, Kleos, Amsterdam Bulletin for Ancient Studies and Archaeology.

    Media appearance

    Journal editor

    • Slootjes, D. (editor) (2021). Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis (Journal).
    • Slootjes, D. (editor) (2021). Brill Research Perspectives on Ancient History (Journal).
    • Slootjes, D. (editor) (2016-2026). Brill Research Perspectives on Ancient History (Journal).

    Talk / presentation

    • Slootjes, D. (speaker) (25-7-2024). Late antique provinces, dioceses and prefectures: an overkill of borders?, Internationale historisch-geographische Tagung 'Grenzen in der Antike', Trier.
    • Slootjes, D. (speaker) (9-7-2024). Present while absent? On the Constantinian imperial family, late antique provincial cities, and networks of power, 15th Celtic Classics Conference.
    • Slootjes, D. (speaker) (30-3-2023). A world without historical timelines?, TEDxYouth@AICS event , Amsterdam.
    • Slootjes, D. (speaker) (24-3-2023). Reizen zonder kaart? Alle wegen leiden niet altijd naar Rome., Tresoar Leeuwarden.
    • Slootjes, D. (speaker) (18-12-2022). 'Hoe vonden Romeinen op reis de juiste weg?' Jeugduniversiteit RMO Leiden, Rijksmuseum voor Oudheiden Leiden (RMO).
    • Slootjes, D. (speaker) (6-12-2022). ‘Vocal voices from the provinces. Consensus and dissent in late Antiquity’, Collegio Ghislieri Pavia.
    • Slootjes, D. (speaker) (1-7-2022). ‘Dioceses in late Roman constitutions’, University of Bamberg.
    • Slootjes, D. (speaker) (17-6-2022). ‘New perspectives on mechanisms of crowd control in the ancient world’, University of Utrecht.
    • Slootjes, D. (speaker) (11-5-2022). 'To separate or to connect. On boundaries in the late ancient world, Centre for Late Antique Religion and Culture at Cardiff University.
    • Slootjes, D. (speaker) (15-3-2022). ‘Romeinse keizers, propaganda en public relations’, Rijksmuseum voor Oudheiden Leiden (RMO).
    • Slootjes, D. (speaker) (8-3-2022). 'Brood en Spelen. De Flavische keizers en het volk van Rome', 'Brood en Spelen. De Flavische keizers en het volk van Rome', Leiden.
    • Slootjes, D. (speaker) (25-2-2022). ‘Locating crowds in ancient cities’, Cities and Settlements in the Ancient World research group OIKOS.
    • Slootjes, D. (speaker) (25-1-2022). 'Scheiden of verbinden: over grenzen in de antieke wereld' (annual Zenobia lezing), Stichting Zenobia.
    • Slootjes, D. (speaker) (1-12-2021). 'Finding the people: mechanisms of crowd behaviour in the ancient world', Westfalische Wilhelms-Universitat Munster.
    • Slootjes, D. (speaker) (18-11-2021). ‘New perspectives on mechanisms of crowd control in the ancient world’, Amsterdam Center for Urban History, UvA.
    • Slootjes, D. (speaker) (17-11-2021). ‘Political and social boundaries of ancient crowd behaviour’, Newcastle University, United Kingdom.


    • Remijsen, S. (organiser) & Slootjes, D. (organiser) (21-10-2022). Daily life in changing times. The agency of ordinary people in Late Antiquity, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Slootjes, D. (participant) (21-9-2021 - 24-9-2021). The First Pandemic: Transformative Disaster or Footnote in History, Hannover (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
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  • Ancillary activities
    • A.A. Brediusstichting
      Voorzitter van de Brediusstichting