Waagen, J., Lanjouw, T., & Huurdeman, H. (2024). Virtual Past Places: Reinventing the Classroom using Virtual Reality in Humanities Education. In I. Saloul, S. Berrebi, N. Munawar, & M. Panico (Eds.), AHM Conference 2024: 'Heritage, Memory and Material Culture' (Vol. 3, pp. 85-91). Amsterdam University Press. https://doi.org/10.5117/9789048567638/AHM.2024.014[details]
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Waagen, J., Lanjouw, T., & de Kleijn, M. (2023). A virtual place of memory: Virtual reality as a method for communicating conflicted heritage at Camp Westerbork. Heritage, Memory and Conflict Journal (HMC), 3, 87-93. https://doi.org/10.3897/ijhmc.3.71198[details]
Watkins, A., Kensche, S., Stigter, S., Waagen, J., & Lanjouw, T. (2021). The use of photogrammetry in the conservation of painted outdoor sculpture: Adressing Jean Dubutffet’s Jardin d'Email. In T. Bechthold (Ed.), Future Talks 019: Surfaces : lectures and workshops on technology and conservation of the modern (pp. 38-47). Die Neue Sammlung, The Design Museum. [details]
Jeffra, C., Hilditch, J., Waagen, J., Lanjouw, T., Stoffer, M., de Gelder, L., & Kim, M. J. (2020). Blending the Material and the Digital: A Project at the Intersection of Museum Interpretation, Academic Research, and Experimental Archaeology. The EXARC Journal, 2020(4). https://exarc.net/ark:/88735/10541[details]
Waagen, J., Kriek, M., Lanjouw, T. J. R., & García Sánchez, J. (2025). Horta da Torre – Virtual reconstruction of an Imperial Roman Villa in Portugal. 4D Research Lab report series, 11. https://doi.org/10.21942/uva.28409651.v1
Hilditch, J., Waagen, J., Huurdeman, H., Lanjouw, T., Opgenhaffen, L., & van Wissen, L. (2022). 3DWorkSpace - an open science/interactive tool for 3D datasets. TMA: tijdschrift voor mediterrane archeologie, 34(67), 49. https://www.academia.edu/96226414[details]
Lanjouw, T., & Waagen, J. (2021). Making 4D: principles and standards for virtual reconstruction in the humanities by the 4D Research Lab. 4D Research Lab report series, 1. https://doi.org/10.21942/uva.14932461[details]
van der Laarse, R., Waagen, J., Lanjouw, T., Lucas, C., de Kleijn, M., Dolghin, D. F., van Zummeren, E., & Kortholt, B. (2020). Westerbork Viewer: Commander's House App (Accessing Campscapes). Web publication or website, University of Amsterdam. https://data.campscapes.org/westerbork/
Lanjouw, T., & Waagen, J. (2020). De 3D-reconstructie van Vlooienburg: hoe wordt een buurt gereconstrueerd. In H. Berg, & K. van Kempen (Eds.), Waterlooplein: De buurt binnenste buiten (pp. 112-123). Walburg.
Waagen, J., & Lanjouw, T. (2020). Augmented Blended Learning: In archeologisch onderwijs. Archeologie in Nederland, 2020(1), 48-49.
Watkins, A. S., Stigter, S., Kensche, S., Waagen, J., & Lanjouw, T. (2019). Photogrammetry and painted outdoor sculpture: Assessing Jean Dubuffet’s ‘Jardin d’émail’. Abstract from Future Talks 019, München, Germany.
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