Dietz, F., & Noorman, J. (2024). Introduction: Objects, Commodities and Material Cultures in the Dutch Republic : Exploring Early Modern Materiality Across Disciplines. In J. Noorman, & F. Dietz (Eds.), Objects, Commodities and Material Cultures in the Dutch Republic: Exploring Early Modern Materiality Across Disciplines (pp. 9-25). (Studies in Early Modernity in the Netherlands; Vol. 3). Amsterdam University Press.,,[details]
Noorman, J. F. J. (2024). "Elck heeft sijn eijgen pop": Dollmaker Drawings by Leonart Bramer and Dolls as Indicators of Class and Identity. In L. van Deinsen (Ed.), Campaspe Talks Back: Women Who Made A Difference in Early Modern Art (pp. 198). Brepols Publishers.
Noorman, J. F. J. (2024). Household Heroines: Maria van Nesse's Memory-Book and the Interplay between the Art Market and Household Consumption. In Women: Female Roles in Art and Society of the Netherlands (pp. 138-164). (Nederlands Kunsthistorisch Jaarboek; Vol. 74). Brill.
Noorman, J. F. J., Weststeijn, M. A., & Honig, E. (2024). Introduction: Women in the World of Netherlandish Art. Nederlands kunsthistorisch jaarboek = Netherlands yearbook for history of art, 74(1), 6-39.
Noorman, J. F. J., & van der Maal, R. J. (2022). Het unieke memorieboek van Maria van Nesse (1588-1650). Nieuwe perspectieven op huishoudelijke consumptie. Amsterdam University Press.
Noorman, J. F. J. (2021). Beeldende kunst m/v. In H. Helmers, G. Janssen, & J. Noorman (Eds.), De zeventiende eeuw (pp. 333-356). Leiden University Press.
Noorman, J. F. J. (2021). Beeldende kunst m/v. In H. J. Helmers, G. H. Janssen, & J. F. J. Noorman (Eds.), De Zeventiende Eeuw (pp. 333-356). Leiden University Press. [details]
Noorman, J. (2020). Art, Honor and Success in The Dutch Republic: The Life and Career of Jacob van Loo. (Amsterdam Studies in the Dutch Golden Age). Amsterdam University Press.[details]
Noorman, J. F. J. (2018). Schatten van de konst: The Drawings Collection in the Album Amicorum of Jacob Heyblocq (1623-1690). Delineavit & Sculpsit, (44), 12-31.
Noorman, J. F. J. (2016). Drawn into the Light: The State of Research in Seventeenth-Century Drawings. In The Ashgate Research Companion to Dutch Art of the Seventeenth Century (pp. 321-337). (Routledge Art History and Visual Studies Companions). Routledge.
Noorman, J. F. J. (2014). A Fugitive's Success Story: Jacob van Loo in Paris (1661-70). In Netherlandish Yearbook for the History of Art (NKJ): Art and Migration. Netherlandish Artists on the Move, 1400-1750 (Vol. 63, pp. 302-322)
Helmers, H. J., Janssen, G. H., & Noorman, J. F. J. (Eds.) (2021). De Zeventiende Eeuw. Leiden University Press. [details]
Noorman, J. F. J. (2020). Rembrandt's Competitors, 1650-1670. In N. Middelkoop, & R. Ekkart (Eds.), Rembrandt and Amsterdam Portraiture (pp. 239-244). Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid.
Noorman, J. F. J. (2019). Rembrandt in vriendenboeken. In E. Runia, & D. De Witt (Eds.), Rembrandts sociale netwerk Museum het Rembrandthuis / W Books.
Noorman, J. F. J., & De Witt, D. (2015). Rembrandt's Naked Truth: Drawing Nude Models in the Golden Age. Museum het Rembrandthuis / W Books.
Noorman, J., Deelstra, H., Vieleers, P., Reid, N., de Vos, B., & Engels, A. (2020). Gouden vrouwen van de 17de eeuw: van kunstenaars tot verzamelaars . WBooks.
Noorman, J., & Grijzenhout, F. (2018). Lady of the House: The Household, Art and Memoria in the Dutch Republic. Paper presented at 16th Century Society and Conference 2018, Albuquerque, United States.
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