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Dr. A.P. (Petra) Sleeman

Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
Onderzoek FGw
Fotograaf: eigen foto

  • Binnengasthuisstraat 9
  • Postbus 1605
    1000 BP Amsterdam
  • Profile


    Petra Sleeman is a senior linguist working in the department of Linguistics and the research institute ACLC of the University of Amsterdam. She also worked at the University of Utrecht and the University of Groningen. She was an invited assistant professor at the University Paris VII and the University Paris III and an invited professor at the University Lille III. She graduated in 1996 with a thesis on nominal ellipsis titled Licensing Empty Nouns in French, which was supervised by Aafke Hulk and Denis Delfitto. Petra Sleeman's main topic of research is the French DP: the position of adjectives, adjectival agreement, noun ellipsis, relative clauses and reduced relatives, the partitive construction, definiteness, deverbal nominalization and deverbal adjectivalization, and dislocation of DPs. Another research field is L1, 2L1, and L2 acquisition. She is the PI of the European network PARTE (Partitivity in European Languages).


    Licensing Empty Nouns in French (1996)

    Former PhD students

    (supervision with Aafke Hulk and Suzanne Aalberse) Brechje van Osch: Vulnerability in heritage speakers of Spanish in the Netherlands. An interplay between language-internal and language-external factors.

    (supervision with Aafke Hulk) Rosalinde Stadt: The influence of Dutch (L1) and English (L2) on Third Language Learning: The Effects of Education, Development and Language Combinations.

    (supervision with Aafke Hulk and Jeannette Schaeffer) Sanne Berends: Acquiring Dutch quantitative ER.

    (supervision with Enoch Aboh) Thom Westveer: Gender mismatches in partitive constructions in French and German. How society shapes language.


    For information (in Dutch) on the courses that Petra Sleeman gives this year at the University of Amsterdam, see:  


  • NWO project PARTE


    Research teams

    The International Network on Partitivity in European Languages (PARTE) was initiated in 2017 and involves 18 researchers from 11 European universities:


    Petra Sleeman (University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands) (PI)

    Enoch Aboh (University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands)

    Leonie Cornips (Meertens Institute, the Netherlands)

    Elisabeth Stark, Elvira  Glaser, Tabea Ihsane, Paul Widmer (University of Zurich, Switzerland)

    Giuliana Giusti and Anna Cardinaletti (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy)

    Silvia Luraghi (University of Pavia, Italy)

    Anne Tamm (Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary)

    Cecilia Poletto and Thomas Strobel (Goethe Universität Frankfurt, Germany)

    Ilja A. Seržant (University of Potsdam, Germany)

    Tuomas Huumo and Ilmari Ivaska  (University of Turku, Finland)

    Urtzi Etxeberria (CNRS, Bayonne, France)

    David Paul Gerards (University of Mainz, Germany)



    The network is funded by an NWO Internationalisation in the Humanities grant, awarded to Petra Sleeman.


    General aims

    This collaboration aims to contribute to our understanding of the emergence, spread and vulnerability of partitive elements (partitive determiners, partitive pronouns and partitive case) in European languages and dialects.


    In addition to organizing meetings with the network members, we have organized three larger international workshops (Venice, Pavia and Budapest), published several volumes and special issues of journals, construed a website serving as a digital platform informing teachers and policy makers, and set up a database of linguistic maps.




  • Publicaties


    • Cornips, L., & Sleeman, P. (2024). Variation in the use of the partitive pronoun ER in regional (Heerlen) standard Dutch. Linguistic Variation, 24(2), 262-296. https://doi.org/10.1075/lv.23026.cor [details]
    • Glaser, E., Sleeman, P., Strobel, T., & Tamm, A. (Eds.) (2024). Partitive Constructions and Partitive Elements Within and Across Language Borders in Europe. (Linguaggio e Variazione. Variation in Language (LiVVaL); Vol. 3). Edizioni Ca' Foscari. https://doi.org/10.30687/978-88-6969-795-1 [details]
    • Sleeman, P. (2024). Introduction: Partitive constructions and partitive elements. In E. Glaser, P. Sleeman, T. Strobel, & A. Tamm (Eds.), Partitive Constructions and Partitive Elements Within and Across Language Borders in Europe (pp. 3-18). (Linguaggio e Variazione. Variation in Language (LiVVaL); Vol. 3). Edizioni Ca' Foscari. https://doi.org/10.30687/978-88-6969-795-1 [details]
    • Sleeman, P. (2024). Methods for studying variation in partitives. Linguistic Variation, 24(2), 165-188. https://doi.org/10.1075/lv.24018.sle [details]
    • Sleeman, P. (2024). The Partitive Pronoun ER in Two National Varieties of Standard Dutch. In E. Glaser, P. Sleeman, T. Strobel, & A. Tamm (Eds.), Partitive Constructions and Partitive Elements Within and Across Language Borders in Europe (pp. 127-152). (Linguaggio e Variazione. Variation in Language (LiVVal); Vol. 3). Edizioni Ca' Foscari. https://doi.org/10.30687/978-88-6969-795-1 [details]
    • Sleeman, P. (Guest ed.), & Tamm, A. (Guest ed.) (2024). Methods for Studying Variation in Partitives. Linguistic Variation, 24(2), Article 207. https://doi.org/10.1075/lv.24.2 [details]



    • Sleeman, P. (2022). Partitive pronouns and quantified adverbial NPs: a labeling account. In G. Alboiu, D. Isac, A. Nicolae, M. Tănase-Dogaru, & A. Tigău (Eds.), A life in linguistics: A festschrift for Alexandra Cornilescu on her 75th birthday (pp. 513-525). Bucharest University Press. [details]
    • Westveer, T. J. T., Sleeman, A. P., & Aboh, E. O. (2022). La lutte des genres: L'accord de genre dans les phrases partitives superlatives en français. In B. Fagard, & G. Le Tallec (Eds.), Entre masculin et féminin: Français et langues romanes (pp. 265-284). Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle.


    • Berends, S., Sleeman, P., Hulk, A., & Schaeffer, J. (2021). The L2 acquisition of the referential semantics of Dutch partitive pronoun ER constructions. In P. Sleeman, & G. Giusti (Eds.), Partitive Determiners, Partitive Pronouns and Partitive Case (pp. 237-260). (Linguistische Arbeiten; Vol. 580). De Gruyter. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110732221-007 [details]
    • Giusti, G., & Sleeman, P. (2021). Introduction: Partitive elements in the languages of Europe: An advancement in the understanding of a multifaceted phenomenon. In P. Sleeman, & G. Giusti (Eds.), Partitive Determiners, Partitive Pronouns and Partitive Case (pp. 1-30). (Linguistische Arbeiten; Vol. 580). De Gruyter. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110732221-001 [details]
    • Sleeman, A. (2021). Deverbal nominalizations without overt suffixation in French. Linguística: revista de estudos linguísticos da Universidade do Porto, N.º Especial, 473-498. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.21747/16466195/lingespa21 [details]
    • Sleeman, P., & Giusti, G. (Eds.) (2021). Partitive Determiners, Partitive Pronouns and Partitive Case. (Linguistische Arbeiten; Vol. 580). De Gruyter. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110732221 [details]
    • Sleeman, P., & Ihsane, T. (2021). The L2 acquisition of the partitive pronoun en in French by L1 speakers of German and the role of the L1. In P. Sleeman, & G. Giusti (Eds.), Partitive Determiners, Partitive Pronouns and Partitive Case (pp. 205-236). (Linguistische Arbeiten; Vol. 580). De Gruyter. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110732221-006 [details]
    • Westveer, T., Sleeman, P., & Aboh, E. O. (2021). Competing genders: French partitive constructions between grammatical and semantic gender. In M-O. Hinzelin, N. Pomino, & E-M. Remberger (Eds.), Formal Approaches to Romance Morphosyntax (pp. 49-87). (Linguistische Arbeiten; Vol. 576). De Gruyter. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110719154-003 [details]


    • Schaeffer, J., Berends, S., Hulk, A., & Sleeman, P. (2020). Child Cross-linguistic Influence and Adult L1 Transfer: Same or Different? In M. M. Brown, & A. Kohut (Eds.), Proceedings of the 44th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (pp. 522-532). (BUCLD; Vol. 44). Cascadilla Press. http://www.lingref.com/bucld/44/BUCLD44-42.pdf [details]
    • Sleeman, P., & Ihsane, T. (2020). Convergence and divergence in the expression of partitivity in French, Dutch, and German. Linguistics, 58(3), 767–804. https://doi.org/10.1515/ling-2020-0090 [details]
    • Stadt, R., Hulk, A., & Sleeman, P. (2020). L1 Dutch vs L2 English and the initial stages of L3 French acquisition. In C. Bardel, & L. Sánchez (Eds.), Third language acquisition : Age, proficiency and multilingualism (pp. 237-261). (Eurosla Studies; Vol. 3). Language Science Press. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4138749 [details]



    • Stadt, R., Hulk, A., & Sleeman, P. (2018). The influence of L1 Dutch and L2 English on L3 French: A longitudinal study. Journal of the European Second Language Association (JESLA), 2(1), 63-71. https://doi.org/10.22599/jesla.42 [details]
    • Stadt, R., Hulk, A., & Sleeman, P. (2018). The influence of L2 English on L3 French acquisition in bilingual education. Dutch Journal of Applied Linguistics, 7(2), 227-245. https://doi.org/10.1075/dujal.18006.sta [details]
    • Stadt, R., Hulk, A., & Sleeman, P. (2018). The role of L2 exposure in L3A: A comparative study between third and fourth year secondary school students in the Netherlands. In J. Berns, H. Jacobs, & D. Nouveau (Eds.), Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 13: Selected papers from ‘Going Romance’ 29, Nijmegen (pp. 279-296). (Romance languages and linguistic theory (RLLT); Vol. 13). John Benjamins Publishing Company. https://doi.org/10.1075/rllt.13.17sta [details]
    • Westveer, T., Sleeman, P., & Aboh, E. O. (2018). Discriminating dictionaries? Feminine forms of profession nouns in dictionaries of French and German. International Journal of Lexicography, 31(4), 371-393. https://doi.org/10.1093/ijl/ecy013 [details]
    • van Osch, B., & Sleeman, P. (2018). Spanish heritage speakers in the Netherlands: Linguistic patterns in the judgment and production of mood. International Journal of Bilingualism, 22(5), 513-529 . Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1177/1367006916654365 [details]
    • van Osch, B., Hulk, A., Aalberse, S., & Sleeman, P. (2018). Implicit and Explicit Knowledge of a Multiple Interface Phenomenon: Differential Task Effects in Heritage Speakers and L2 Speakers of Spanish in The Netherlands. Languages, 3(3), Article 25. https://doi.org/10.3390/languages3030025 [details]


    • Berends, S., Hulk, A., & Sleeman, P. (2017). The emergence of the pronouns Dutch er and French en in child L1 and the role of complexity. Language Sciences, 60, 144-159. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.langsci.2016.10.001 [details]
    • Ihsane, T., & Sleeman, P. (2017). Quel(s) genre(s) pour les noms animés en français? Le français moderne, 1, 94-108. [details]
    • Lobeck, A., & Sleeman, P. (2017). Ellipsis in Noun Phrases. In M. Everaert, & H. van Riemsdijk (Eds.), The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Syntax (2nd ed., Vol. III, pp. 1411-1445). (The Wiley Blackwell companions to linguistics). Wiley Blackwell. https://doi.org/10.1002/9781118358733.wbsyncom052 [details]
    • Sleeman, P. (2017). Participial Relative Clauses. In M. Aronoff (Ed.), Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics Article e-185 (Oxford Research Encyclopedias). Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/acrefore/9780199384655.013.185 [details]
    • Sleeman, P., & Ihsane, T. (2017). The L2 acquisition of the French quantitative pronoun en by L1 learners of Dutch: vulnerable domains and cross-linguistic influence. In E. Blom, L. Cornips, & J. Schaeffer (Eds.), Cross-Linguistic Influence in Bilingualism: In honor of Aafke Hulk (pp. 303-330). (Studies in Bilingualism; Vol. 52). John Benjamins. https://doi.org/10.1075/sibil.52.14sle [details]
    • van Osch, B. A., Hulk, A., Sleeman, P., & Aalberse, S. (2017). Knowledge of mood in internal and external interface contexts in Spanish heritage speakers in the Netherlands. In K. Bellamy, M. W. Child, P. González, A. Muntendam, & M. Carmen Parafita Couto (Eds.), Multidisciplinary Approaches to Bilingualism in the Hispanic and Lusophone World (pp. 67-92). (Issues in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics; Vol. 13). John Benjamins. https://doi.org/10.1075/ihll.13.04osc [details]




    • Sleeman, P. (2014). From participle to adjective in Germanic and Romance. In P. Sleeman, F. van de Velde, & H. Perridon (Eds.), Adjectives in Germanic and Romance (pp. 171-197). (Linguistik aktuell = Linguistics today; Vol. 212). John Benjamins. https://doi.org/10.1075/la.212 [details]
    • van Osch, B., Hulk, A., Sleeman, P., & Irizarri van Suchtelen, P. (2014). Gender agreement in interface contexts in the oral production of heritage speakers of Spanish in the Netherlands. Linguistics in the Netherlands, 31, 93-106. https://doi.org/10.1075/avt.31.08osc [details]
    • van de Velde, F., Sleeman, P., & Perridon, H. (2014). The adjective in Germanic and Romance: Development, differences and similarities. In P. Sleeman, F. van de Velde, & H. Perridon (Eds.), Adjectives in Germanic and Romance (pp. 1-32). (Linguistik aktuell = Linguistics today; Vol. 212). John Benjamins. https://doi.org/10.1075/la.212 [details]



    • Sleeman, P. (2012). Quantifier preposing in French and Italian as a root phenomenon: a syntactic or a pragmatic approach? Bucharest Working Papers in Linguistics, 14(1), 5-22. http://bwpl.unibuc.ro/uploads_ro/854/BWPL_2012_nr._1_Sleeman.pdf [details]
    • Sleeman, P. (2012). The suffixal nature of the post-nominal article in Swedish and Romanian: evidence from L1 acquisition. In H. van der Liet, & M. Norde (Eds.), Language for its own sake: essays on language and literature offered to Harry Perridon (pp. 189-207). (Amsterdam contributions to Scandinavian studies; No. 8). Scandinavisch Instituut Universiteit van Amsterdam. [details]




    • Guella, H., Déprez, V., & Sleeman, P. (2008). Article choice parameters in L2. In R. Slabakova, J. Rothman, P. Kempchinsky, & E. Gavruseva (Eds.), Proceedings of the 9th Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition Conference (GASLA 2007) (pp. 57-69). Cascadilla Proceedings Project. http://www.lingref.com/cpp/gasla/9/paper1626.pdf [details]


    • van der Linden, E. H., & Sleeman, P. (2007). Clitic dislocation: evidence for a low topic position. In B. Los, & M. van Koppen (Eds.), Linguistics in the Netherlands 2007 (pp. 173-187). (AVT Publications; No. 24). John Benjamins. [details]


    • Sleeman, P. (2006). La structure de la construction partitive suivie d'une relative. In G. Kleiber, C. Schnedecker, & A. Theissen (Eds.), La relation <partie-tout> (pp. 320-335). (Bibliothèque de l'Information Grammaticale; No. 59). Leuven: Peeters. [details]



    • Berends, S., Schaeffer, J., & Sleeman, P. (2017). Cross-linguistic Influence in Adult Second Language Learners: Dutch Quantitative Pronoun Constructions. In M. LaMendola, & J. Scott (Eds.), Proceedings of the 41st Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (Vol. 1, pp. 74-87). (BUCLD; Vol. 41). Cascadilla Press. http://www.lingref.com/bucld/41/BUCLD41-06.pdf [details]



    • Aboh, E. O., Schaeffer, J. C., & Sleeman, P. (2015). Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2013: Selected Papers from 'Going Romance' Amsterdam 2013. (Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory; No. 8). Benjamins. https://doi.org/10.1075/rllt.8 [details]


    • Sleeman, P., van de Velde, F., & Perridon, H. (2014). Adjectives in Germanic and Romance. (Linguistik aktuell = Linguistics today; No. 212). John Benjamins. https://doi.org/10.1075/la.212 [details]


    • Sleeman, P. (2011). Deverbal modifiers of the noun in Germanic and Romance: interpretation and position. Bucharest Working Papers in Linguistics, 13(1), 5-25. http://bwpl.unibuc.ro/uploads_ro/833/BWPL_2011_1_Sleeman_fulltxt.pdf [details]
    • Sleeman, P. (2011). Infinitival relatives and the notion of contrastive focus. In A. Cuniţă, F. Florea, & M. O. Păunescu (Eds.), De la linguistique à la didactique des langues: le problème des modèles linguistiques: actes du colloque international du 7 juin 2009, organisé par l'école doctorale 'Langues et identités culturelles' de l'Université de Bucarest (pp. 23-38). Piteşti: Paralela 45. [details]
    • Sleeman, P., & Perridon, H. (2011). The noun phrase in Romance and Germanic: structure, variation, and change. (Linguistik aktuell = Linguistics today; No. 171). Amsterdam [etc.]: Benjamins. [details]





    • Westveer, T. J. T., Sleeman, A. P., & Aboh, E. O. (2021). Gender agreement and mismatches: the syntactic structure of quantified and superlative partitives. Poster session presented at Tabu Dag, Groningen, Netherlands.


    • van Osch, B. A., García González, E., Hulk, A. C. J., Aalberse, S. P., & Sleeman, A. P. (2019). The development of subject position in Dutch-dominant heritage speakers of Spanish: From 5 years old to adulthood. . Paper presented at Bilingualism in the Hispanic and Lusophone World 2019, Leiden, Netherlands.


    • Westveer, T. J. T., Sleeman, A. P., & Aboh, E. O. (2018). Sexless animates? Gender agreement in superlative partitives in French. Poster session presented at Going Romance 2018, Utrecht, Netherlands.
    • Westveer, T. J. T., Sleeman, A. P., & Aboh, E. O. (2018). Sexless animates? Gender agreement with fixed gender nouns in German and French. Poster session presented at 1st international workshop on language comparison and typology, Berlin, Berlin, Germany.


    • Berends, S., & Sleeman, A. P. (2017). The L2 acquisition of the Dutch quantitative pronoun ER by L1 French and L1 English adults.. Paper presented at Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition , Southampton, United Kingdom.
    • Berends, S., Sleeman, A. P., Schaeffer, J. C., & Hulk, A. C. J. (2017). The acquisition of the Dutch quantitative pronoun ER: The role of background language(s)". Poster session presented at Bilingualism vs. Monolingualism, Toulouse, France.
    • Sleeman, A. P. (2017). Semantic agreement within adjective - noun constructions in French: a dynamic approach. Paper presented at Romanistentag des Deutschen Romanistenverbandes, Zurich, Switzerland.
    • Sleeman, A. P., & Ihsane, T. (2017). The L2 acquisition of the (non-)referentiality of des/du NPs in French and the role of cross-linguistic influence. Paper presented at Partitive determiners and partitive Case, Venice, Italy.
    • Sleeman, A. P., & Ihsane, T. (2017). The L2 acquisition of the French quantitative pronoun en by L1 learners of Dutch: Vulnerable domains and cross-linguistic influence. Abstract from Cross–linguistic influence (in multilingualism), Amsterdam, Netherlands.
    • van Osch, B. A., Aalberse, S. P., Hulk, A. C. J., & Sleeman, A. P. (2017). Cross-linguistic influence on subject position in heritage Spanish. Paper presented at Cross–linguistic influence (in multilingualism), Amsterdam, Netherlands.
    • van Osch, B. A., Aalberse, S. P., Hulk, A. C. J., & Sleeman, A. P. (2017). Subject Position in Spanish as a heritage language in the Netherlands: Interface Vulnerability and Cross-linguistic Influence. Poster session presented at Bilingualism in the Hispanic and Lusophone World, Tallahassee, Florida, United States.
    • van Osch, B. A., García González, E., Hulk, A. C. J., Aalberse, S. P., & Sleeman, A. P. (2017). Child and Adult Heritage Spanish in the Netherlands: the Development of Subject Position. Poster session presented at Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition , Southampton, United Kingdom.
    • van Osch, B. A., García González, E., Hulk, A. C. J., Aalberse, S. P., & Sleeman, A. P. (2017). Subject position in Spanish heritage language development. Paper presented at International Symposium on Bilingualism, Limerick, Ireland.
    • van Osch, B. A., Hulk, A. C. J., Aalberse, S. P., & Sleeman, A. P. (2017). Comparing Spanish Heritage Speakers with Different Dominant Languages: The Influence from Dutch and English on Subject Position. Paper presented at Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition, Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
    • van Osch, B. A., Hulk, A. C. J., Aalberse, S. P., & Sleeman, A. P. (2017). Subject Position in Heritage Spanish in the Netherlands and the US: A Case for Cross-linguistic influence. Paper presented at Bilingualism vs. Monolingualism, Toulouse, France.
    • van Osch, B. A., Hulk, A. C. J., Aalberse, S. P., & Sleeman, A. P. (2017). Subject position in L2 and heritage Spanish in the Netherlands. Paper presented at Generative Linguistics in the Old World , Leiden, Netherlands.


    • van Osch, B. A., Aalberse, S. P., Hulk, A. C. J., & Sleeman, A. P. (2016). Interface constraints on word order in Spanish heritage speakers. Paper presented at TIN dag, Utrecht, Netherlands.
    • van Osch, B. A., Aalberse, S. P., Hulk, A. C. J., & Sleeman, A. P. (2016). Spanish heritage speakers in the Netherlands: Word order alternation at the internal and the external interface. Paper presented at Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (SLRL), Stony Brook, United States.
    • van Osch, B. A., Aalberse, S. P., Hulk, A. C. J., & Sleeman, A. P. (2016). Topic, focus and unaccusativity determining subject position in Spanish as a heritage language in the Netherlands. Paper presented at The Romance Turn VIII, Barcelona, Spain.
    • van Osch, B. A., García González, E., Aalberse, S. P., Hulk, A. C. J., & Sleeman, A. P. (2016). Subject position in Spanish heritage adults and children in the Netherlands. Paper presented at Heritage Language Acquisition: Breaking New Ground in Methodology and Domains of Inquiry, Tromso, Norway.
    • van Osch, B. A., Hulk, A. C. J., Aalberse, S. P., & Sleeman, A. P. (2016). Interface constraints on Subject position in L2 and heritage Spanish in the Netherlands. Paper presented at Hispanic Linguistics Symposium, Georgetown, United States.


    • van Osch, B. A., Aalberse, S. P., Hulk, A. C. J., & Sleeman, A. P. (2015). Variable subject verb word order in heritage speakers of Spanish in the Netherlands. Paper presented at NAP-dag 2015, Amsterdam.

    Prijs / subsidie

    • Peeters-Podgaevskaja, A. & Sleeman, P. (2022). Nomination LOT Populariseringsprijs 2021.
    • Sleeman, P. (2017). Grant from NWO programme Internationalisation in the Humanities.

    Lidmaatschap / relevante positie

    • Sleeman, P. (2022-2023). Member VENI-committee, NWO.
    • Sleeman, P. (2016). NWO Promoties in de Geesteswetenschappen.



    • Bril, M. (editor), Coene, M. (editor), Sleeman, P. (editor), Ihsane, T. (editor) & Westveer, T. (editor) (2022-). Isogloss (Journal). https://revistes.uab.cat/isogloss/issue/view/16
    • Sleeman, P. (member of editorial board) (2014-2025). Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory (Journal).


    • Sleeman, P. (speaker) (19-12-2024). Constraints on the use of bare/des plural subjects in Romance: how (digital) translations can inform linguistics, Linguistics and Translation Studies in Dialogue, Innsbruck. https://www.uibk.ac.at/de/congress/oelt2024/programm/
    • Sleeman, P. (speaker) (17-12-2024). AI translations of Germanic bare plural subjects into Romance, Natural language and AI: New perspectives for linguistic studies
      . https://www.uibk.ac.at/de/congress/oelt2024/programm/
    • Sleeman, P. (speaker) (12-12-2024). Exocentric compounds in French: an analysis without null categorizers, Brussels Conference on Generative Linguistics 17, Brussels. https://www.crissp.be/bcgl-17-categories-categorization/program/
    • Sleeman, P. (speaker) (4-12-2024). V-N compounds in French: an analysis without nulls, Going Romance 2024, Braga. https://cehum.elach.uminho.pt/going_romance2024
    • Sleeman, P. (speaker) (5-11-2024). Linguistics with ChatGPT: bare nouns in translation, ACLC Research Group CCALL (Corpus-based and/or Computational Approaches to Language and Literature).
    • Sleeman, P. (invited speaker) (15-10-2024). Exocentric compounds in French: an analysis without nulls, Séminaire de Recherche en Linguistique, Geneva. https://www.unige.ch/lettres/linguistique/seminaire/index.php?p=seminars&period=2024-2025
    • Sleeman, P. (speaker) (6-6-2024). The diminutive numeral eentje in regional and stylistic varieties of standard Dutch: a syntactic analysis, Systems of Nominal Determination, Zurich.
    • Sleeman, P. (speaker) (15-5-2024). A syntactic analysis of the Dutch diminutive numeral "eentje" in nominal ellipsis contexts, 33rd Colloquium on Generative Grammar, Alcalá de Henares.
    • Sleeman, P. (speaker) (30-11-2023). Quantifier-preposing in subordinate clauses in Italian: a probe into complexity, ACLC Research Group "Complexity", Amsterdam.
    • Sleeman, P. (speaker) (24-11-2023). Bare subjects and des-subjects in Romance, Crosslinguistic perspectives on partitivity and related phenomena, Bucharest. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VBNLzaVkSCREbXD9gnbhACoZUaEibbrX/edit
    • Sleeman, P. (invited speaker) (25-10-2023). Des-subjects and existential bare plural subjects in European Romance languages: A comparative approach based on translations, The first theoretical and experimental linguistics workshop, Budapest. https://btk.kre.hu/konf/userfiles/abstracts_FTEL.pdf
    • Sleeman, P. (speaker) (26-9-2023). Zero-suffixes in French: an alternative approach, Deutscher Romanistentag, Leipzig. https://www.romanistiktag.de/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/Resumes-Sektion-3-1.pdf
    • Sleeman, P. (speaker) (25-9-2023). Existential bare plural subjects in Romance, 38th Congress of the German Society for Romance Studies (Deutsche Romanistentag), Leipzig. https://www.romanistiktag.de/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Resumes-Sektion-4.pdf
    • Sleeman, P. (speaker) (25-11-2022). Partitive pronouns in intransitive contexts and the role of complexity, PARTE online lectures.
    • Sleeman, P. (speaker) (17-9-2022). Existential bare plural subjects in Germanic and Romance, Methods for approaching variation: partitives and beyond
      , Budapest. https://btk.kre.hu/konf/parte/
    • Cornips, L. (speaker) & Sleeman, P. (speaker) (16-9-2022). Variation in the R-word ER in quantitative constructions in regional (Heerlen) Dutch, Methods for approaching variation: partitives and beyond, Budapest. https://btk.kre.hu/konf/parte/
    • Sleeman, P. (speaker) (6-10-2021). Partitive pronouns in intransitive contexts in Italian and Dutch, From syntactic structures to society-driven language change, Amsterdam. https://aclc.uva.nl/shared/subsites/amsterdam-institute-for-humanities-research/en/events/events/2021/10/from-syntactic-structures-to-societ…
    • Sleeman, P. (speaker) (27-8-2020). Derivational zero suffixes and their alternatives, 53rd Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea. https://osf.io/t4n6y/
    • Sleeman, P. (invited speaker) (31-1-2020). Superlatives and licensing of non-modal infinitival subject relatives, Workshop on Formal and Experimental Approaches to Adjectival Modification, Frankfurt. https://sites.google.com/view/feamfrankfurt/home
    • Sleeman, P. (invited speaker) (3-12-2019). Partitive pronouns in intransitive contexts: a violation of a syntactic constraint?, Séminaire de Recherche en Linguistique, Geneva. https://www.unige.ch/lettres/linguistique/seminaire/index.php?p=seminar&item=465
    • Westveer, T. (speaker), Zanoli, E. (speaker), Giusti, G. (speaker) & Sleeman, P. (speaker) (29-11-2019). On a structural difference between quantified and superlative partitives: evidence from French and Italian grammaticality judgements on gender agreement, Going Romance 2019, Leiden. https://going-romance.wp.hum.uu.nl/conferences/program-leiden-2019/
    • Westveer, T. (speaker), Sleeman, P. (speaker) & Aboh, E. (speaker) (28-11-2019). La lutte des genres : l'accord de genre dans les phrases partitives superlatives en français, Entre le masculine et le féminin - Approches contrastives dans les langues romanes, Paris. https://www.ens.fr/sites/default/files/2019-10/colloque_masculin_feminin_programme_08.pdf
    • Sleeman, P. (speaker), Berends, S. (speaker), Hulk, A. (speaker) & Schaeffer, J. (speaker) (8-11-2019). Child cross-linguistic influence and adult L1 transfer: same or different?, THE 44TH BOSTON UNIVERSITY CONFERENCE ON LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT, Boston. http://www.bu.edu/bucld/conference-info/browse-abstracts-2019/
    • Sleeman, P. (speaker), Cornips, L. (speaker), Ihsane, T. (speaker) & Giusti, G. (speaker) (2-9-2019). (Micro-) variation in the distribution of the partitive pronoun in Romance and Germanic, Workshop on Partitive cases, pronouns and determiners: diachrony and variation, Pavia. http://paviapartitives.wikidot.com/
    • Sleeman, P. (speaker), Cornips, L. (speaker) & van Berkum, J. (speaker) (27-6-2019). Variation in the R-word ER in quantitative constructions in regional Dutch, ICLAVE 10, Leeuwarden. https://easychair.org/smart-program/ICLaVE10/2019-06-27.html
    • Schaeffer, J. (speaker), Berends, S. (speaker), Hulk, A. C. J. (speaker) & Sleeman, A. P. (speaker) (14-2-2019). Cross-linguistic Influence in quantitative pronoun constructions, Methods and approaches for investigating cross-linguistic influence in the foreign language acquisition of grammatical structures, Brussels.
    • Sleeman, P. (speaker), Giusti, G. (speaker), Glaser, E. (speaker), Ihsane, T. (speaker) & Strobel, T. (speaker) (26-1-2019). Features and contexts of partitive pronouns: a cross-linguistic comparison, University of Zurich. https://www.agenda.uzh.ch/record.php?id=40066&group=12
    • Westveer, T. (speaker), Aboh, E. O. (speaker) & Sleeman, A. P. (speaker) (2-2-2018). Sexless animates? Gender agreement with fixed-gender nouns in French and German, TIN-dag.
    • Berends, S. (speaker) & Sleeman, A. P. (speaker) (7-4-2017). Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition, Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition , Southampton.
    • Sleeman, P. (speaker) & Ihsane, T. (speaker) (13-1-2017). The L2 acquisition of the French quantitative pronoun en by L1 learners of Dutch: Vulnerable domains and cross-linguistic influence, Cross–linguistic influence (in multilingualism), Amsterdam. http://aihr.uva.nl/content/events/workshops/2017/01/13-cross-linguistic-influence-in-multilingualism-interdisciplinary-approaches.html
    • Sleeman, P. (speaker) & Ihsane, T. (speaker) (25-11-2016). Partitive pronouns in contact: the influence of Dutch ER on the L2 acquisition of French EN, Partitivity and Language Contact, Zurich. http://www.rose.uzh.ch/fr/seminar/personen/stark/partitivity2.html
    • Sleeman, P. (speaker) & Ihsane, T. (speaker) (3-6-2016). The quantitative pronoun en in French: What acquisition may reveal about its analysis, Annual Conference of the English Department, Bucharest.
    • Sleeman, P. (speaker) & Ihsane, T. (speaker) (19-2-2016). Partitive constructions and semantic agreement in French, 42nd Incontro di Grammatica Generativa, Lecce, Italy.
    • Stadt, R. T. (speaker), Hulk, A. (speaker) & Sleeman, P. (speaker) (12-12-2015). Testing the L2 Status Factor: the Influence of English Immersion on L3 French, Going Romance, Nijmegen.
    • van Osch, B. A. (speaker), Hulk, A. C. J. (speaker), Sleeman, A. P. (speaker) & Aalberse, S. P. (speaker) (8-10-2015). Gender agreement outside the DP in the oral production of Spanish heritage speakers in the Netherlands, Workshop: Lost in Transmission? The Role of Attrition and Input in Heritage Language Development, University of Reading.
    • van Osch, B. A. (speaker), Hulk, A. C. J. (speaker), Sleeman, A. P. (speaker) & Aalberse, S. P. (speaker) (12-9-2015). Comparing Spanish heritage speakers and L2 speakers in the Netherlands: mood in syntax and interface contexts, Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition (GALA), University of Nantes.
    • Ihsane, T. (speaker) & Sleeman, P. (speaker) (4-6-2015). Partitive constructions in French and gender mismatches, Annual Conference of the English Department, Bucharest.
    • van Osch, B. A. (speaker), Hulk, A. C. J. (speaker), Sleeman, A. P. (speaker) & Aalberse, S. P. (speaker) (22-5-2015). Spanish heritage speakers in the Netherlands:production and comprehension of mood, International Symposium on Bilingualism, New Brunswick.
    • Sleeman, P. (speaker) & Ihsane, T. (speaker) (8-5-2015). Gender mismatches in partitive constructions in French, Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages, Campinas, Brazil.
    • Sleeman, P. (speaker) & Ihsane, T. (speaker) (28-2-2015). Gender mismatches in partitive constructions, phases and locality, Incontro di Grammatica Generativa, Perugia, Italy.
    • Don, J. (speaker), Westveer, Th. (speaker) & Sleeman, P. (speaker) (7-2-2015). Three types of suffixes in French, Tin-dag, Utrecht.
    • Berends, S. (speaker), Sleeman, P. (speaker) & Hulk, A. C. J. (speaker) (7-2-2015). The acquisition of Dutch ER and French EN, Taalkunde in Nederland, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
    • Sleeman, P. (invited speaker) (14-1-2015). Flexibility, roots and affixes, Linguistic Colloquium, Department of Romance Philology, Freie Universität, Berlin, Berlin.
    • Sleeman, P. (invited speaker) & Westveer, Th. (invited speaker) (16-12-2014). Pour une tripartition des suffixes adjectivaux savants et non-savants en français, Journée d'étude sur les adjectifs dérivés, Lille.
    • Ihsane, T. (speaker) & Sleeman, P. (speaker) (26-9-2014). Quel(s) genre(s) pour les noms animés en français?, Les relations d'accord dans la syntaxe du français, Fribourg, Switzerland.
    • Sleeman, P. (speaker) (18-8-2014). Early child bilingualism, Workshop Stability and variability in heritage languages: in the eye of the beholder?, University of Amsterdam.
    • Sleeman, P. (speaker) & Hulk, A. C. J. (speaker) (2-5-2014). Nominal ellipsis and the L1 acquisition of discourse coherence, Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages, London, Canada.
    • van Osch, B. A. (speaker), Hulk, A. C. J. (speaker), Sleeman, A. P. (speaker) & Irizarri van Suchtelen, P. (speaker) (5-4-2014). Gender agreement in interface contexts in the oral production of Spanish heritage speakers in the Netherlands, Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages, London, Ontario, Canada.
    • van Osch, B. A. (speaker), Hulk, A. C. J. (speaker), Sleeman, A. P. (speaker) & Irizarri van Suchtelen, P. (speaker) (7-3-2014). Gender agreement in interface contexts in the oral production of Spanish heritage speakers in the Netherlands, National Heritage Languge research Centre Conference, UCLA Los Angeles.
    • van Osch, B. A. (speaker), Hulk, A. C. J. (speaker) & Sleeman, A. P. (speaker) (1-2-2014). Gender agreement in interface contexts in the oral production of Spanish heritage speakers in the Netherlands., Tin-dag, Utrecht.
    • Sleeman, P. (speaker) & Hulk, A. C. J. (speaker) (25-10-2013). The place of nominal ellipsis in the acquisition of reference, AEREF: Acquisition of referring expressions, crossed perspectives, Paris.
    • Sleeman, P. (speaker) & Ihsane, T. (speaker) (7-6-2013). Gender mismatches in French and feature checking, 15th Annual Conference of the English Department, Bucharest.
    • Sleeman, P. (invited speaker) (3-6-2013). From participle to adjective in Germanic and Romance, Journée d'études Adjectifs et Participes, Paris.
    • Ihsane, T. (speaker) & Sleeman, P. (speaker) (14-5-2013). Gender agreement in French and phase theory, 25th Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics: Workshop Syntax and Semantics of Adjectives, Reykjavik.
    • Sleeman, P. (speaker) (13-5-2013). Adjectival positions in Germanic and Romance, 25th Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics: Workshop on Syntax and Semantics of Adjectives, Reykjavik.
    • Ihsane, T. (speaker) & Sleeman, P. (speaker) (10-5-2013). Gender Phenomena in French, Colloquium on Generative Grammar, Madrid.
    • Sleeman, P. (speaker) & Ihsane, T. (speaker) (19-4-2013). Gender agreement with animate nouns in French, Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL), New York.
    • Sleeman, P. (speaker) & Ihsane, T. (speaker) (21-2-2013). Local and non-local gender agreement in French, Incontro di Grammatica Generativa 39, Modena.
    • Sleeman, P. (invited speaker) (12-2-2013). Local and non-local gender agreement in French, Comparative Syntaxe Meeting, Leiden.
    • Sleeman, P. (invited speaker) (3-11-2012). The mixed categorial behavior of participles in Germanic and Romance, Workshop on conversion and mixed categories, Universidade do Porto.
    • Sleeman, P. (invited speaker) (5-6-2012). The L2 acquisition of the quantitative pronoun in French and the syntax-pragmatics interface, Workshop "L2 at the Syntax-Pragmatics Interface", University of Amsterdam.
    • Sleeman, P. (invited speaker) (2-6-2012). The acquisition of nominal ellipsis in French and Dutch L1 and 2L1, International Conference of the Doctoral School "Languages and Cultural Identities", Bucharest.
    • Sleeman, P. (speaker) (1-6-2012). Participles modified by beaucoup and très in French: a scalar analysis, 14th Annual Conference of the English Department, Bucharest. http://www.unibuc.ro/depts/limbi/literatura_engleza/docs/2012/mai/24_08_50_57program_lingvistica_2012.pdf
    • Sleeman, P. (speaker) & Niculescu, D. I. (speaker) (20-4-2012). Adjectivization of participles in Romance: a gradual process?, Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages, Cedar City, USA. http://www.suu.edu/hss/languages/lsrl2012/program.html
    • Hulk, A. C. J. (invited speaker) & Sleeman, P. (invited speaker) (13-4-2012). The acquisition of nominal ellipsis in Dutch and French L1 and 2L1: consequences for a theoretical analysis, Syntax Circle, University of Amsterdam.
    • Sleeman, P. (speaker) (30-3-2012). From Participle to adjective in Germanic and Romance, Conference "Adjectives in Germanic and Romance: variation and change", University of Amsterdam. http://aclc.uva.nl/research/groups/content/dp-np-structure-structure-acquisition-and-change/dp-np-structure-structure-acquisition-and-change.html
    • Sleeman, P. (speaker) & Hulk, A. C. J. (speaker) (22-3-2012). L1 and 2L1 acquisition of noun ellipsis in Dutch and in French, 22nd Colloquium on Generative Grammar, Barcelona. http://filcat.uab.cat/clt/cgg22/program.html
    • Sleeman, P. (speaker) & Hulk, A. C. J. (speaker) (23-2-2012). L1 and 2L1 acquisition of noun ellipsis in Dutch and in French, 38th Incontro di Grammatica Generativa, Verona. http://fermi.univr.it/live/igg38/program.html
    • Hulk, A. C. J. (speaker) & Sleeman, P. (speaker) (9-12-2011). L1 and 2L1 acquisition of noun ellipsis in French and Dutch, Going Romance XXV, Utrecht. http://www2.let.uu.nl/solis/Goingromance/
    • Sleeman, P. (invited speaker) (7-11-2011). Quantifier preposing in French and Italian as a root phenomenon: a syntactic or a pragmatic approach?, Syntax-Interface Meeting, Utrecht.
    • Sleeman, P. (speaker) (9-9-2011). 'Rare'-preposing in French, root clauses, and information structure, 44th annual meeting of Societas Linguistica Europaea, Logroño, Spain. http://sle2011.cilap.es/downloads/schedule_SLE2011_detailed.pdf
    • Sleeman, P. (invited speaker) (4-6-2011). Focalization in French and Italian: a root phenomenon?, 13th Annual Conference of the English Department, Bucarest. http://linguistlist.org/issues/22/22-520.html
    • Sleeman, P. (invited speaker) (21-3-2011). Quantifier-focalization in French and Italian, Lezingenserie Onderzoekseenheid Frans, Italiaans en vergelijkende taalkunde, Leuven. http://wwwling.arts.kuleuven.be/franitalco/events.htm
    • Sleeman, P. (speaker) (24-6-2010). The nominalized infinitive in French: structure and change, Farewell Symposium in honour of Brigitte Kampers-Manhe, Groningen. http://www.lotschool.nl/index.php?p=8&date=2010-06-18
    • Sleeman, P. (speaker) (16-6-2010). Deverbal Modifiers of the Noun: interpretation and position, Workshop "Adjectives and relative clauses: Syntax and Semantics", Venice. http://semantics.univ-paris1.fr/pdf/Program%20AdjRelClau.pdf
    • Sleeman, P. (invited speaker) (28-5-2010). Deverbal Modifiers of the Noun: interpretation and position, Workshop Adjectives and Adverbs, Université Charles de Gaulle - Lille 3. http://stl.recherche.univ-lille3.fr/colloques/20092010/JEadjectifs_adverbes.pdf
    • Sleeman, P. (speaker) (27-5-2010). The Nominalized Infinitive in Romance and Germanic: Variation and Change, Workshop "Variation and Change in Argument Realization", Napels en Capri. http://org.uib.no/iecastp/IECASTP/ProgramNaplesCapri.pdf
    • Sleeman, P. (speaker) (13-11-2009). Focus and the licensing of infinitival subject relatives, Seminar STL (Savoirs, texts, langage) Université Charles de Gaulle Lille 3 (invited), Utrecht. http://stl.recherche.univ-lille3.fr/calendrier20092010.html
    • Sleeman, P. (speaker) (2-7-2009). The nominalised infinitive in Romance and Germanic: variation and change, Workshop Atoms and Laws of the Noun Phrase, Utrecht. http://abelcorver.com/AtomsAndLaw/
    • Sleeman, P. (speaker) (7-6-2009). Focus and licensing of non-modal infinitival subject relatives, with special reference to French, Conference Theoretical Models in modern linguistic research (invited), Bucharest.
    • Sleeman, P. (speaker) (4-6-2009). Focus and Italian infinitival relative clauses, The 11th Annual Conference of the English Department of the University of Bucharest, Bucharest.
    • Sleeman, P. (speaker) (3-3-2009). Focus and Italian infinitival relative clauses, Conference IS 2009 Information Structure between Linguistics and Psycholinguistics, Leuven. http://wwwling.arts.kuleuven.be/franitalco/IS2009/
    • Sleeman, P. (speaker) (28-11-2008). Clefts and the licensing of infinitival subject relatives, Workshop “Clefts”, ZAS, Berlin. http://www.zas.gwz-berlin.de/events/CleftWorkshop2008/
    • Sleeman, P. (speaker) (16-9-2008). Licensing of non-modal infinitival subject relatives, ACLC-ILLC research group Cross-linguistic Semantics, University of Amsterdam.
    • Huisman, S. (speaker) & Sleeman, P. (speaker) (23-8-2008). Object clitics in Italian, modern French and old French: a unified analysis, Linguistic Institute, Barcelona, Workshop "Meeting Clitics". http://www.linguistic-institute.info/programc.htm
    • Sleeman, P. (speaker) (5-6-2008). Deverbal categories and the split vP hypothesis, The 10th Conference of the English Department, University of Bucharest.
    • Huisman, S. (speaker) & Sleeman, P. (speaker) (30-5-2008). Een uniforme analyse van object clitics in drie Romaanse talen, Romanistendag, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam.
    • Sleeman, P. (speaker) (17-4-2008). Deverbal categories and the split vP hypothesis, XVIII Colloquium on Generative Grammar, Lisbon. http://www.fl.ul.pt/18CGG/
    • Sleeman, P. (speaker) & Brito, A. M. (speaker) (29-11-2007). Nominalization, event, aspect and argument structure: a syntactic approach, Workshop 'Nominalizations across languages', Stuttgart University, Germany. http://web.uni-frankfurt.de/fb10/rathert/forschung/nominalizations.html
    • Sleeman, P. (speaker) (13-9-2007). From verbal participle to adjective: internal structure and position, International conference on adjectives, University of Lille 3. http://stl.recherche.univ-lille3.fr/colloques/adjectifs/adjectifsaccueil.html
    • Sleeman, P. (speaker) (31-5-2007). Participles at the edges of the modifier system of DP, The annual conference of the English Department of the University of Bucharest (invited), Bucharest.
    • Sleeman, P. (speaker) & Brito, A. M. (speaker) (23-5-2007). Nominalization, event, aspect and argument structure: a syntactic approach, Workshop on Argument Structure and Syntactic Relations, University of the Basque Country, Victoria-Gasteiz. http://home.medewerker.uva.nl/a.p.sleeman/bestanden/Sleeman%20Brito%20Nominalization,%20event,%20aspect,%20and%20argument%20structure.pdf
    • Guella, H. (speaker), Déprez, V. (speaker) & Sleeman, P. (speaker) (18-5-2007). Definiteness-bases L1/L2 and specificity effects, Gasla 9, University of Iowa.
    • Sleeman, P. (speaker) & van der Linden, E. H. (speaker) (3-2-2007). Clitic dislocation and the edge of phases, Tin-dag, Utrecht. http://www.hum.leidenuniv.nl/onderzoek/avt
    • van der Linden, E. H. (speaker) & Sleeman, A. P. (speaker) (3-2-2007). Clitic dislocation and the edge of phases, Tin-dag, Utrecht. http://home.medewerker.uva.nl/a.p.sleeman/bestanden/Van%20der%20Linden%20en%20Sleeman%20dislocatie.pdf
    • Sleeman, P. (speaker) (17-11-2006). Focus and the licensing of non-modal infinitival relatives, Workshop 'DP-internal information structure: Topic, Focus and other Illocutionary forces', Utrecht University. http://www.let.uu.nl/~Marjo.vanKoppen/personal/
    • Sleeman, P. (speaker) & van der Linden, E. H. (speaker) (6-10-2006). Clitic Dislocation in L1 and 2L1: acquisition of the edge of phases and cross-linguistic influence, ACLC Seminar (invited), ACLC, University of Amsterdam. http://www.hum.uva.nl/aclc (events)
    • Déprez, V. (speaker), Guella, H. (speaker) & Sleeman, P. (speaker) (5-10-2006). Definiteness-based L1/L2 and specificity effects, Second International Conference of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association, Munich, Germany. http://www.kognitive-sprachforschung.uni-muenchen.de/events/2_dgkl/programme/programme_thurs/abs_dprez_etal.html
    • van der Linden, E. H. (speaker) & Sleeman, P. (speaker) (25-6-2006). Clitic dislocation in 2L1 acquisition: cross-linguistic influence at the edge of phases, Conference 'Interface legibility at the edge', University of Bucharest. http://www.unbsj.ca/arts/linguistics/ConferenceProgramJune2006.html
    • Sleeman, P. (speaker) (15-5-2006). Participles at the edges of the modifier system of DP, Conference 'Edges in Syntax' (invited). http://www.edges.cycollege-busschool.net/


    • Westveer, T. (organiser) & Sleeman, P. (organiser) (23-6-2023). RomTiN 10 (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Sleeman, P. (organiser) & Ihsane, T. (organiser) (1-12-2021). Workshop on Partitivity (Going Romance), Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Sleeman, P. (organiser), Coene, M. M. R. (organiser) & Westveer, T. (organiser) (1-12-2021 - 3-12-2021). Going Romance 2021, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Sleeman, P. (organiser) & Berends, S. (organiser) (16-6-2017). RomTIN 4, Amsterdam (participating in a conference, workshop, ...). https://spaansetaalencultuuruva.wordpress.com/2017/06/08/romtin-4/
    • Sleeman, P. (organiser) & Berends, S. (organiser) (16-6-2017). RomTIN 4, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...). https://spaansetaalencultuuruva.wordpress.com/2017/06/08/romtin-4/
    • Sleeman, P. (other) (2015). committee member Promoties in de Geesteswetenschappen, NWO (other).
    • Sleeman, P. (other) (2015 - 2016). chair Anéla Thesis Award Committee, Anéla (other).
    • Aboh, E. O. (organiser), Hulk, A. C. J. (organiser), Schaeffer, J. C. (organiser) & Sleeman, P. (organiser) (28-11-2013 - 30-11-2013). 27th Symposium on Romance Linguistics, University of Amsterdam. Going Romance 2013 (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Sleeman, P. (organiser), Perridon, H. C. B. (organiser) & van de Velde, F. (organiser) (29-3-2012 - 30-3-2012). Adjectives in Germanic and Romance: variation and change, University of Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...). http://aclc.uva.nl/research/groups/content/dp-np-structure-structure-acquisition-and-change/dp-np-structure-structure-acquisition-and-change.html
    • Perridon, H. C. B. (participant) & Sleeman, A. P. (participant) (28-1-2009 - 30-1-2009). Conference: Variation and Change in the Romance and Germanic Noun Phrase, Amsterdam. Variation and Change in the Romance and Germanic Noun Phrase (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).



    • Berends, S. (2019). Acquiring Dutch quantitative ER. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. LOT. [details]
    • Stadt, R. T. (2019). The influence of Dutch (L1) and English (L2) on third language learning: The effects of education, development and language combinations. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. LOT. [details]
    • van Osch, B. A. (2019). Vulnerability in heritage speakers of Spanish in the Netherlands: An interplay between language-internal and language-external factors. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. LOT. [details]


    • Sleeman, P., Hulk, A., van der Linden, E. H. & Mistro, I. (2015). Transcriptions French-Dutch child Anouk corpus Amsterdam. Childes internet database.


    • van der Linden, E. H., Hulk, A., Waegemaekers, E. R. & Sleeman, P. (2014). transcriptions Dutch-Italian child Heleen corpus Amsterdam. CHILDES internet database (Child Language Data Exchange System).


    • Hulk, A., van der Linden, E. H., van Osch, B. & Sleeman, P. (2013). transcriptions Dutch-French bilingual child Annick corpus Amsterdam. CHILDES internet database (Child Language Data Exchange System).
    This list of publications is extracted from the UvA-Current Research Information System. Questions? Ask the library or the Pure staff of your faculty / institute. Log in to Pure to edit your publications. Log in to Personal Page Publication Selection tool to manage the visibility of your publications on this list.
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