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Dr. G.J.A. (Guido) Snel

Moderne Europese Letterkunde
Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
Europese studies
Fotograaf: Bob Bronshoff

  • Kloveniersburgwal 48
  • Kamernummer: D2.09B
  • Postbus 1619
    1000 BP Amsterdam
  • Profile

    Guido Snel (1972) is a writer and a senior lecturer teaching in the department of European Studies. He specializes in contemporary European literatures, with a specific focus on Central and Eastern Europe and the Balkans. 

    Facing Srebrenica and the Future of European Memory

    This project collects private photographs of Dutchbat soldiers in the UN safe area Srebrenica in 1994 and 1995, on the request of survivors. Its goal is twofold: to set up a permanent database, and to contribute to a multi-perspective, dialogic history of the (visual) memory of the genocide, and especially of life in the enclave, during the Bosnian war. See also: Project Facing Srebrenica and the Future of Europe

    The Recognizable European: Geography and Spatial Metaphor 

    (finished - 2020) A project on spatial metaphor and imaginary European geographies, under the umbrella title Bridge, Window, Wall: Persistence of East-West and Balkan imaginaries in post-1989 Europe.

    Other fields of research

    Beside my work on spatial metaphor, an ongoing interest is with art and literature that was made or written during the Bosnian war, or that reflects on it. Other fields of research interest: multilingualism, literature as cultural memory, and debates on the (non)sense of a European literature. Thirdly, I take an interest in European traditions of cultural diversity, notably in Central Europe and the Balkans in the aftermath of World War I.

    European Literature 

    I frequently host and/or initiate programs with writers from Europe and beyond, such as The European Literature Night (De Brakke grond, 2015 - present) and in collaboration with academic debate center SPUI25. Memorable public sessions with authors such as Aifric Campbell, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Jens-Christian Grondahl, Dasa Drndic, Amin Maalouf, Jachym Topol, Gyorgy Dragoman, and others. European Literature Night 2020


    Latest work, De Mirreberg (The Mountain of Myrrh, De Arbeiderspers publishers 2018), is a novel in the form of a triptych about a triptych, connecting looted Nazi art with religious madness in the 15th century, and with the question of how to paint, and by extension, how to live, in our own times, that is, after the end of art and religion.

    Huis voor het Hiernamaals (House for the Hereafter, Arbeiderspers, 2016) is a collection of stories and novellas obsessed with real lives and the limits of fiction. It contains biofiction about Victor Tausk, a section called The Yugoslav Apocalyps, centering amongst others on Danilo Kiš, and a collection of intimate family stories. (Translated into Croatian/Serbian as Posmrtna Prebivališta, Arius, Belgrade 2018)

    Naar Istanbul (To Istanbul, De Arbeiderspers 2014) is travelogue, essay, and fiction, mirroring a one year stay in the city of cities, one of the true new global nodes connecting everything and nothing.

    Non-fiction: Alter Ego

    Alter Ego. Twenty Confrontations on the European Experience contains 5 portaits and 15 self-portraits of European artists and thinkers. The book addreses questions like Where is Europe? Who is Europe? What is a European? Whom do we actually address when we speak of our 'fellow Europeans'? The book was published by Amsterdam University Press in 2004, with the support of the European Cultural Foundation.

    Literary translation

    Translations into Dutch of authors as various as Miloš Crnjanski, Miroslav Krleža, Aleksandar Tišma, Semezdin Mehmedinović, Daša Drndić. I am currently preparing a selection of Danilo Kiš’ travelogues, essays and ego documents for De Arbeiderspers.

  • Publicaties


    • Brolsma, M., Drace-Francis, A., Lajosi, K., Maessen, E., Rensen, M., Rock, J., Rodríguez Pérez, Y., & Snel, G. (Eds.) (2022). Networks, Narratives and Nations: Transcultural Approaches to Cultural Nationalism in Modern Europe and Beyond. Amsterdam University Press. [details]


    • Neubauer, J., Bojtár, E., & Snel, G. (2021). A history of fiction in twentieth-century Central and Eastern Europe. In W. Borodziej, F. Laczó, & J. von Puttkamer (Eds.), The Routledge History Handbook of Central and Eastern Europe in the Twentieth Century : Volume 3: Intellectual Horizons (pp. 132-193). (The Routledge Twentieth Century History Handbooks). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003055495-3 [details]



    • Snel, G. (2017). Andrić and the Bridge: Dispossessed Writers and the Novel as a Site of Enduring Homelessness. In V. Biti (Ed.), Claiming the dispossession: The politics of Hi/storytelling in post-imperial Europe (pp. 116-127). (Balkan Studies Library; Vol. 19). Brill. https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004353930_007 [details]


    • Snel, G. (2016). 'My dream can also become your burden': Semezdin Mehmedinović’s Poetics of Self-Determination. In A. Hammond (Ed.), The Novel and Europe: Imagining the Continent in post-1945 fiction (pp. 227-242). (Palgrave Studies in Modern European Literature ). Palgrave Macmillan. https://doi.org/10.1057/978-1-137-52627-4_13 [details]
    • Snel, G. (2016). Garbage Heap, Storehouse, Encyclopedia: Metaphors for a Post-Yugoslav Cultural Memory. In V. Beronja, & S. Vervaet (Eds.), Post-Yugoslav constellations: Archive, memory, and trauma in contemporary Bosnian, Croatian, and Serbian literature and culture (pp. 193-208). (Media and cultural memory; No. 22). De Gruyter. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110431575-011 [details]
    • Snel, G. (2016). Three Forsaken Poets: Significant Absences in Balkan Modernism. Slavonica, 21(1-2), 1-15. https://doi.org/10.1080/13617427.2016.1270621 [details]


    • Snel, G. (2014). After the bridge: the Bosnian war as a European trauma in the work of Emir Suljagić and Aleksandar Hemon. In V. Biti (Ed.), Reexamining the national-philological legacy: Quest for a new paradigm? (pp. 191-211). (Studia Imagologica; No. 22). Rodopi. [details]
    • Snel, G. (2014). Krleža's and Kosztolányi's Encounters: A Diagnosis of 'typically Danubian Idiocy'? In C. Reijnen, & M. Rensen (Eds.), European encounters: intellectual exchange and the rethinking of Europe 1914-1945 (pp. 157-172). (European studies; Vol. 32). Rodopi. https://doi.org/10.1163/9789401210775_010 [details]
    • Snel, G. (2014). The past is always in the present. Aether and the returns of history and Europe’s new post-1989 peripheries. The cases of Mihail Sebastian’s diary and Emir Suljagić’s Srebrenica memoir. Neohelicon, 41(1), 241-256. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11059-013-0212-y
    • Snel, G. (2014). The recognizable European: Sebald’s and Tišma’s human geographies of stitches and scars. Neohelicon, 41(2), 459-476. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11059-013-0228-3 [details]


    • Snel, G. (2012). Lingua franca in Central Europe after the disappearance of German. In L. Marácz, & M. Rosello (Eds.), Multilingual Europe, Multilingual Europeans (pp. 235-252). (European studies; Vol. 29). Rodopi. https://doi.org/10.1163/9789401208031_013 [details]


    • Snel, G. (2011). Post-Yugoslav literature: the return of history and the actuality of fiction. In T. Vaessens, & Y. van Dijk (Eds.), Reconsidering the postmodern : European literature beyond relativism (pp. 115-132, 258-260, 290-291). Amsterdam University Press. [details]



    • Snel, G. (2008). Dealing with cultural diversity at the borders of the Slavic realm. In E. de Haard, W. Honselaar, & J. Stelleman (Eds.), Literature and beyond: Festschrift for Willem G. Weststeijn on the occasion of his 65th birthday (pp. 737-753). (Pegasus Oost-Europese studies; No. 11-2). Pegasus. [details]


    • Snel, G. J. A. (2006). The return of Pannonia: imaginary topos and space of homelessness. In M. Cornis-Pope, & J. Neubauer (Eds.), History of the literary cultures of East-Central Europe: junctures and disjunctures in the 19th and 20th centuries. - Vol. 2 (pp. 333-344). Amsterdam: Benjamins.



    • Deniz, N., & Snel, G. (2012). Met gesloten ogen: zwerven door Amsterdam, Istanbul en Antwerpen = Gözlerim kapalı: Amsterdam, İstanbul ve Anvers'e yolculuk. Amsterdam: Van Gennep. [details]


    • Snel, G. (2010). A place for the tragic: individuality and imagined community in Semezdin Mehmedinović’s poetry of exile. In L. Vajdová, & R. Gáfrik (Eds.), 'New imagined communities': identity making in Eastern and South-Eastern Europe (pp. 95-114). Kalligram & Ústav Svetovej Literatúry, SAV. [details]


    • Snel, G. (2009). Providing a place for doubt: intercultural dialogue as the hardware for a pan-European literary canon. In I. van Hamersveld, & A. Sonnen (Eds.), Identifying with Europe: reflections on a historical and cultural canon for Europe (pp. 127-136). Boekmanstudies. [details]


    • Snel, G. (2007). Crnjanski, Miloš. Bij de Hyperboreeërs: roman over Rome: vertaald uit het Servisch en van een nawoord voorzien. Amsterdam: Arbeiderspers.
    • Snel, G. (2007). Krleža, Miroslav. De Glembays: vertaald. De Bezige Bij.
    • Snel, G. J. A., Slapsak, S., & Neubauer, J. (2007). Serbia: the widening rift between criticism and literary histories. In M. Cornis-Pope, & J. Neubauer (Eds.), History of the literary cultures of East-Central Europe. - Vol. 3: The making and remaking of literary institutions (pp. 404-409). (A comparative history of literatures in European languages; No. 22). Amsterdam: Benjamins.


    • van Amelsvoort, J. D., Snel, G. J. A., & Dijkgraaf, M. (2024). Five Years State of European Literature. University of Amsterdam.
    • van Amelsvoort, J. D., Snel, G. J. A., & Dijkgraaf, M. (2024). Introduction: Five Years State of European Literature. In J. Van Amelsvoort, G. Snel, & M. Dijkgraaf (Eds.), Five Years State of European Literature (pp. 12-18). University of Amsterdam.


    • Snel, G. J. A. (Ed.) (2022). Homo Poeticus. Leven, reizen, literatuur. (Privedomein ed.) De Arbeiderspers.



    • Rensen, M. (speaker), Snel, G. (speaker) & Jansen, Y. (speaker) (9-1-2023). Stefan Zweig in the context of Europe´s alleged identity crisis, The politics of Jewish literature and the making of the post World WarII world, Amsterdam.
    • Snel, G. J. A. (speaker) (1-7-2007). Between Host and Home Cultures: Eastern European Writers in the Twentieth Century, Fellowship at international program called : Between Host and Home Cultures: Eastern European Writers in Exile in the Twentieth Century, Budapest, Collegium.
    • Snel, G. J. A. (speaker) (20-2-2007). European Literary Canon, Felix Meritis, program on European Literary Canon, Amsterdam.
    • Snel, G. J. A. (speaker) (2007). Sense and Nonsense of a Croatian national literary canon, Flemish Academy of Arts and Sciences, Brussel.


    • Zwiep, I. (organiser), Snel, G. (organiser), Wertheim, D. (organiser) & Nijhuis, T. (organiser) (2-2-2021 - 3-2-2021). The Making of Post-War Europe: The Case of Jewish Literature, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Snel, G. (participant) (6-9-2020 - 4-1-2021). From What Will We Reassemble Ourselves, Amsterdam. Facing Srebrenica and the Future of Memory in Europe is our contribution to a larger group exhibition in Framer Framed. We are collecting, on the (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...). https://framerframed.nl/en/exposities/from-what-will-we-reassemble-ourselves/
    • Rensen, M. (organiser), van der Poll, S. (organiser), Leerssen, J. T. (participant), Snel, G. J. A. (participant), Crombach, S. G. (participant), Lajosi-Moore, K. K. (participant) & van Montfrans-van Oers, M. A. E. (participant) (26-1-2018). Workshop Transnational Perspectiveson Artists' Lives 19th-21st centuries, Amsterdam. Organization of Wortkshop - together with Suze vander Poll (UvA) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
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