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This two-day interactive workshop, offered by the Humanities Venture Lab, is designed to help emerging entrepreneurs in the humanities discover, define, and develop their ventures.
Event details of Humanities Explore
4 March 2025

This event will be held on two days:

  • Tuesday 4 March from 09:00-16:30
  • Tuesday 11 March from 09:00-17:30

Day one focuses on the "why" and "how" of each opportunity, using the Theory of Change and ecosystem mapping to clarify impact and identify potential collaborators. Through interactive icebreakers, visualisation exercises, and creative activities, you will articulate your vision in fresh and engaging ways.

Day two shifts towards the practical aspects of each opportunity, guiding you through customer value proposition exercises, branding archetypes, and pitch-building sessions. By the end of the workshop, you will have gained hands-on experience, actionable feedback, and access to a supportive community network to propel your humanities venture forward.


Room E0.05
Oudemanhuispoort 4-6
1012 CN Amsterdam