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Stepping into the art world can feel like entering a curated dream—sometimes yours, often someone else’s. It is a space where expressions intermingle with power structures and cultural narratives. What are the barriers to enter the art world and thrive within it? How are the boundaries of access, recognition, and visibility created? Who gets a spot in the white cube? And how are senses of belonging created in the cultural scene?
Event details of Access Granted? Breaking Into and Breaking Down the Art World
29 January 2025

Together with Young Collectors Circle, SPUI25 in Spe delves into the systemic and personal challenges that arise for cultural professionals who are about to enter the field. This program identifies critical issues and proposes actionable solutions for cultural practitioners aiming to navigate and reshape the art world. Together with several guest speakers from the cultural field, we focus on addressing current barriers and ways to overcome them. What are the ways in which we can nurture a creative ecosystem where individual and collective voices can thrive and feel welcomed?

The evening will include a brief masterclass on the inner workings of the art world and how you can secure your spot right at the center of it. Together, we will imagine an art world that breaks boundaries, fosters dialogue, and welcomes all to create, experience, and belong.

Young Collectors Circle is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting the art world through facilitating meaningful connections between artist, art lover and potential collectors.

Over SPUI25

SPUI25 is the academic-cultural podium of Amsterdam. Since 2007, we have been giving scientists, authors, artists and other thinkers the opportunity to shine a light on issues that occupy, inspire or concern them. In cooperation with a large number of academic and cultural partners, we organize between 250 and 300 freely accessible programs per year. These are enriching, often interdisciplinary programs that move between science and culture, fact and fiction.

SPUI25 is one of the UvA podia in the University Quarter.


Spui 25-27
1012 WX Amsterdam