This event seeks to advance Arjun Appadurai’s idea of an ethics of possibility, which stands in contrast to a risk-reduction oriented ethics of probability. This we will do by connecting empirical insights with value considerations. While there are several approaches to empirical ethics, we focus on lines of tradition within philosophy and anthropology that build on a situated understanding of knowledge. We investigate what an empirically informed ethics of possibility entails, what it can offer, and what research methods could help inform its development. At the latter point, the event explores Amade M’charek’s notion of “the Art of Paying Attention” (2015), which provides a lens through which we can consider how attention shapes ethical practices. How can “paying attention” be understood and enacted, and under which conditions should it be regarded as a normative act of care—or neglect? In how far is attention normative?
SPUI25 is the academic-cultural podium of Amsterdam. Since 2007, we have been giving scientists, authors, artists and other thinkers the opportunity to shine a light on issues that occupy, inspire or concern them. In cooperation with a large number of academic and cultural partners, we organize between 250 and 300 freely accessible programs per year. These are enriching, often interdisciplinary programs that move between science and culture, fact and fiction.
SPUI25 is one of the UvA podia in the University Quarter.