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One hundred years ago, a peculiar institute opened its doors in Berlin; the “Institut für Sexualwissenschaft” (Institute for Sexual Science). First of its kind, this place sought to research and help a range of people who could be characterized as “gender outlaws”. These people, who using the language of today we would call gay, queer, intersex, or trans, found refuge, community, and access to healthcare. Hormonal and surgical services were, for the first time, offered to people to affirm their gender identity.
Event details of The Birth of the Gender Clinic: One Hundred Years of Gender-affirming Medicine
5 March 2025

The history behind the emergence of this “gender-affirming medicine” and the politics that formed its development is rich and complex. Sadly, as is often the case with queer histories, this intriguing past remains hidden and even invisibilized. Historian Alex Bakker has taken on the important task of unveiling this history and presenting it to the public. 

During this programme Bakker will offer a lecture on an important moment in queer history and open a conversation on the historical forms of gender-affirming medicine, providing a platform for us to reflect on the current state of affairs.

This programme is part of Queer History Month Netherlands. 

Over SPUI25

SPUI25 is the academic-cultural podium of Amsterdam. Since 2007, we have been giving scientists, authors, artists and other thinkers the opportunity to shine a light on issues that occupy, inspire or concern them. In cooperation with a large number of academic and cultural partners, we organize between 250 and 300 freely accessible programs per year. These are enriching, often interdisciplinary programs that move between science and culture, fact and fiction.

SPUI25 is one of the UvA podia in the University Quarter.


Spui 25-27
1012 WX Amsterdam